Entry Forms can be found here. Entries close 6 May, 2024.
Entry Forms can be found here. Entries close 6 May, 2024.
Congratulations to Stephen Griffin on being the recipient of the People’s Choice award for his painting Flatland #1, Acrylic on canvas.
Stephen receives $500 in kind from Art to Art. Many thanks to our sponsor for providing this prize and supporting the RSASA Abstract Art Award, Essence of Place.
Congratulations to Melanie Crawford for her 1st Place award in the RSASA Abstract Prize Exhibition, Essence of Place.
Exhibition is currently being held in the RSASA Gallery, Level 1 Institute Bldg., cnr North Terrace and Kintore Avenue, Adelaide.
Exhibition dates: 25 June – 23 July, 2023.
Exhibition artworks and other prize winners are listed on the exhibition page here.
The Friday morning outdoor painting group has released its 2024 program. It can be downloaded here.
We start painting between 9.30 and 10am. Just set up and start! Bring a packed lunch. We spend half an hour or more to eat and talk at noon. Open to all plein air enthusiasts, both members and non-members of art societies.
Contacts: Deborah Trusson 0410 468 132; John Charles 0438 804 650
Two students in the Creative Arts program at UNISA and the recipients of the UNISA Creative M & M Carbins Trust Award are presenting an exhibition in the RSASA Gallery.
Artists: Artemis Karlex & Belinda Walker
Exhibition Dates: 20 Jan – 5 Feb, 2023
Congratulations to Mirjana Dobson, overall winner of the 13th Solar Art Prize for ‘A Whiter Shade’. Mirjana received a $9000 voucher from Natural Technology Systems.
A media release listing all the Solar Art Prize winners can be downloaded HERE.
The Friday morning outdoor painting group has released its 2022 program. It can be downloaded here.
Painting starts between 9.30 and 10am. Bring a packed lunch. Open to all plein air enthusiasts, both members and non-members of art societies.
Contact: John Charles 0438 804 650; Deborah Trusson 0410 468 132 or Margaret Crooks 0414 416 639
Iroda’s charcoal portrait of Chester Osborn, RSASA VP and dÁrenberg Wines was selected as the preferred portrait by the sitter. Chester sat for the artist on July 7 during the 5th Biennial RSASA Portrait Prize.
Paintings and Photography by members of the Royal South Australian Society of Arts
For over 160 years Port Adelaide and its surrounds has been a busy commercial and residential area welcoming incoming sailors, migrants and tourists. For many years small groups of members of the Royal South Australian Society of Arts have met to paint and photograph the river, the boats and surrounding commercial and private buildings.
The works in this exhibition are a collection from artists from the past and those still creating today, using a variety of mediums – pencil, oil, acrylic and camera to record the ever changing and yet timelessness of the Port. Some works are borrowed from private collections, others are for sale.
A catalogue of exhibited works is available.
Where: Visitors Information Centre, Commercial Rd, Port Adelaide
Saturday May 1 – Sunday May 30, 2021 Hours: Wed-Sun 10:00am – 5:00pm, Mon-Tues CLOSED.
The RSASA is very fortunate to have many artworks in our collection. An example of artworks can be found here
If you would like to see more of the collection, a visit to the RSASA office can be made by appointment.
Office Hours: 10:30 – 4:30 Tuesday and Thursday
Ph: 8232 0450
Entry dates for the 2021 RSASA Portrait prize have been extended until COB Thursday 6 May. Entry forms are available here.
The Artists’ Connect gathering of RSASA members was held on March 26 in the RSASA gallery.
Penny Griggs, CEO of the Adelaide Central School of Art was the speaker. Penny asked each person that attended to talk about their art practice and then she provided information about the ACSA teachers and available courses. The Artists’ Connect Coordinator, RSASA member Jo Gardiner was very pleased with the attendance and positive response from members.
Jo will be running Artists Connect during Members’ exhibitions. Please contact Jo or the RSASA for details.
The winner of the Helpmann Academy Graduates RSASA award is Maiko Pettman from Flinders University.
Maiko sold all her works within a few minutes of opening on preview night and was delighted to win the $1,000 cash prize from RSASA and a 12 month RSASA membership. Congratulations Maiko.
“I embrace the translucency of porcelain paper clay, illumination and making techniques to create art work that invites us to explore the secret, symbolic world of the forest”.
The Artist’s Voice group of artists include many members of the RSASA. They are having an exhibition at Burra Regional Art Gallery from 4 Feb – 21 March 2021. Exhibition launch is Sat 6 Feb at 5:30pm with guest speaker the Hon Mark Butler, Federal Member for Hindmarsh and the Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy.
For more information about the exhibition, head to the Burra Regional Art Gallery website.
The Artist’s Voice is a group of Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu professional artists who raise awareness and concerns about environmental issues affecting the health of our planet. They hold regular exhibitions at local Hills and Fleurieu Galleries, with many group and solo exhibitions among their members.
The Hangers Choice for Steps Along the Way: A 50 year Journey by Vikki Waller is The Matriarchs: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth, 1987. A selection of mixed fabrics, leather, hair, cotton string, acrylic and embroidery on painted canvas.
The President David Baker and Director Bev Bills OAM invite you and your friends to view the artworks of Vikki Waller.
An exhibition of paintings, prints, mixed media and textiles.
Exhibition dates: Sat 16 January – Sat 6 February 2021
RSASA Gallery, Level 1 Institute Building, cnr North Tce & Kintore Ave, Adelaide.
Online exhibition page can be found here