Our Gallery is now open under recommended Covid-19 guidelines. Click here to read more.

Congratulations to Stephen Griffin on being the recipient of the People’s Choice award for his painting Flatland #1, Acrylic on canvas.

Stephen receives $500 in kind from Art to Art. Many thanks to our sponsor for providing this prize and supporting the RSASA Abstract Art Award, Essence of Place.

The winner of the Helpmann Academy Graduates RSASA award is Maiko Pettman from Flinders University.

Maiko sold all her works within a few minutes of opening on preview night and was delighted to win the $1,000 cash prize from RSASA and a 12 month RSASA membership. Congratulations Maiko.

Maiko Pettman with her RSASA award

“I embrace the translucency of porcelain paper clay, illumination and making techniques to create art work that invites us to explore the secret, symbolic world of the forest”.

The Artist’s Voice group of artists include many members of the RSASA. They are having an exhibition at Burra Regional Art Gallery from 4 Feb – 21 March 2021. Exhibition launch is Sat 6 Feb at 5:30pm with guest speaker the Hon Mark Butler, Federal Member for Hindmarsh and the Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy.

For more information about the exhibition, head to the Burra Regional Art Gallery website.

The Artist’s Voice is a group of Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu professional artists who raise awareness and concerns about environmental issues affecting the health of our planet. They hold regular exhibitions at local Hills and Fleurieu Galleries, with many group and solo exhibitions among their members.

A Vikki Waller Retrospective

The President David Baker and Director Bev Bills OAM invite you and your friends to view the artworks of Vikki Waller.

An exhibition of paintings, prints, mixed media and textiles.

Exhibition dates: Sat 16 January – Sat 6 February 2021

RSASA Gallery, Level 1 Institute Building, cnr North Tce & Kintore Ave, Adelaide.

Online exhibition page can be found here

Vikki WALLER, Death is Reclaimed: Life is Made Whole, woven tapestry (detail)

Selection Royale 5 Art Ballot

View the artworks online or in the Gallery 21 Nov – 5 Dec.

Artists and friends of RSASA have donated artworks.

Tickets are $100 each

Select your favourite artwork when your ticket number is drawn. The ballot draw is Saturday 5 December 1-3pm.

If you are unable to attend the draw, we have absentee sheets and one of our staff will attend to your listing on your behalf.

RSASA Gallery, 1st Floor The Institute, cnr Kintore and North Terrace, Adelaide.
