Outdoor Painting Group
Salt of the Earth
Portrait Demonstration – 23 July 2015
Portrait Demonstration – 16 July 2015
Portrait Demonstration – 14 July 2015
Portrait Exhibition – 2 July 2015
Complimenting the 2nd Biennial Portraits was the Adelaide Estedford
A Taste of South Australia
Portrait Demonstration – 9 July 2015
Portraits demos
Children’s Exhibition Photo Gallery
RSASA Exhibitions 2016
Little Gems
Fantasy 5
New Kids on the Block
Over 2 U
Associates Aspiring for Fellowship
Cavalcade of History and Fashion OIDFA Exhibition
About Youthscape
RSASA Characters of Fleurieu 2014
The Nature of Line
Selection Royale ll
5th Solar Art Prize
Trickle Crunch
Tutors Exhibiton
Summer Daze Peoples’ Choice
Summer Daze
Lasting Impressions
Photos from inaugural portrait exhibition
Kalori Magazine
Kalori© is the magazine of the Royal South Australian Society of Arts and is published quarterly, each being available to the Society’s Members and Friends of the society, as well as being for sale to the public.
RSASA Bulletins
RSASA Bulletins include up-to-date information about current and upcoming events and exhibitions, member activities and an extensive exhibition and workshop list that highlights events at other galleries and artist studios in Adelaide and the rest of South Australia.